Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to change user passwords on an account without administrative privileges.?

Someone put passwords on all three administrative accounts on my computer. I need to change the passwords back. Which I would have been able to do, however the only account now available on my computer that I can access is a non-administrative one.

Now, I can't change the passwords, I can't make this account administrative, and I can't create a new administrative account... all because I would need an administrative account myself to do these things.

Basically, I need admin privileges, which I don't have, to change back the passwords.

Can you change passwords by logging on the the Administrative account? I don't know how to do this, I tried rebooting in safe mode, but it didn't appear, even after I did the ctrl+alt+del trick.

Help would be much, Much appreciated.

Thank you :)How to change user passwords on an account without administrative privileges.?
1. Reboot the computer

2. Right after the bios is finished, hit F8 (or F2,10,12)

3. Select 楽afe mode?or 楽afe mode with networking support?br>
4. Windows will boot up to the logon screen. Click administrator, 9/10 there is no password.

5. Do, Start-%26gt;Run-%26gt;type 榗ommand?br>
6. At the prompt, type 榥et user?which will display a list of usernames. Find the one you are looking for, try 榥et user username?for them all. Type 榥et user /HELP?for more info.

7. To reset the password type 榥et user username *?where username is the username you want to reset.

8. For no password, leave blank.

9. Now, reboot and you can login as that user.How to change user passwords on an account without administrative privileges.?
Run through Windows installation again in %26quot;Repair%26quot; mode, it should give you the option to set the Administrator password, and it'll leave all your other accounts, files, and setting untouched.How to change user passwords on an account without administrative privileges.?
Who ever put the passwords on it, is the only one who can remove/change them!How to change user passwords on an account without administrative privileges.?
Run through Windows installation again in %26quot;Repair%26quot; mode, it should give you the option to set the Administrator password, and it'll leave all your other accounts, files, and setting untouched.How to change user passwords on an account without administrative privileges.?
I recently discovered a software program that will do the job for you and it's much easier than going through all the technical steps in this article. Just head over to the PasswordSoft site at: and purchase their password removal program (works with Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista and 2003) . Save yourself the headache of fighting to get back into your computer! Their method is so much faster/easier, and works great! Just download the software, burn it to a CD, insert the CD into the problem computer and all the current passwords will be removed so you can get back in and get to work.

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